We are all about empowering women and so we are continuing our interviews with inspiring and empowering women. Introducing Fitness and Nutritional coach Amanda Lim who shares some of her amazing life acheivements and her journey to becoming the influencer she is today
Can you share a bit about your role as a PT and SM Fitness influencer.
I am currently a fitness & nutrition coach for my online community, called LIFTING WOMEN, as well as for a handful of transformative personal clients. My clientele spans the globe and I work with them not only on exercise progressions and nutrition planning, but on mindset transformation as well.
When did your fitness journey start and has it always been a part of your life?
I started very young, playing lots of sports from age 3 onward - but the one that "stuck" and really formed the way I think about fitness was gymnastics. To this day, I credit my gymnastics training with my understanding of mobility, strength, movement, and overcoming obstacles.
What keeps you motivated and do you have times when you fall out of routine?
Exercise, to me, is like brushing my teeth - it's so deeply ingrained in my daily life that I don't have to "decide" to do it each day - I just do. But in terms of nutrition, while I keep a fairly consistent eating program I keep plenty of flexibility for the "fun" foods I love, knowing I can always just circle back to a healthier choice at my next meal.
What has been your greatest achievement so far?
Qualifying for and running the Boston marathon was a huge athletic accomplishment for me, but giving birth to my children is what I will always consider my biggest physical achievement.
What are your top five types of exercise?
CrossFit, progressive strength training, Bikram yoga, calisthenics, and running.
Can you give some advice to women who are trying to start their fitness journey?
There's never a "bad" time to start - you don't have to wait for a Monday, or your wedding day, or any other "day" to get fit - just start NOW! You can take the first step toward better health today, and do 1% better/more tomorrow. Those small steps add up into something really powerful, in time.
What is your favourite quote?
"Discipline is freedom." So many times people struggle to "stay on track" because they're relying on spurts of motivation or what they "feel like" doing - not the baseline of true discipline. Once you can develop that, you are truly free from the chains of temptation, laziness, and uncertainty that derail many people from better health
If you want to learn more and stay in touch with Coach Amanda Lim you can follow her IG @coachamandalim